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Cover Scientific Basis, European Soil Resources, Verlag Guthmann-Peterson, Wissenschaft

European Soil Resources

This book underlines the importance of saving the European soil.

ECSSS - European Confederation of Soil Science Societies

Scientific Basis for the Management of European Soil Resources Research Agenda

16 Seiten, 15,5 x 22,8 cm, Broschur
Schutzgebühr Euro 10,00/sfr 18,00
ISBN 3-900782-47-4

Über das Buch

Scientific basis for the management of European soil resources –
The 5 key messages

  1. Soil is one of the most important ecosystems and a largely non-renewable resource. A vital soil provides numerous services fundamental to the welfare of society and the competitive advantages of Europe in the world. Without a sustainable use of soil, risks and insecurity will increase and economic opportunities will decrease.
  2. Threats to soil are causing serious social and economic damage in Europe, amounting to billions of Euros every year. Erosion, contamination, loss of organic matter and biodiversity, compaction, floods and landslides, salinisation and sealing reduce the quality of life and the wellbeing of citizens and challenge the social and economic development in Europe at large.
  3. Research is needed to alleviate the negative impacts on soil, air and water, on the production of biomass and food, and on biodiversity and human health. Research should also lead the way to a more eco-efficient and sustainable use of soil and water resources. This requires collaborative research, developing new research infrastructures and starting new European technology initiatives. National and European programmes need to join forces to provide the basic and targeted research in this area.
  4. The five priority research areas for soil protection and the management of Europe's natural resources identified by the research community and listed in this brochure, clearly indicate that the raising of funds for actions at the national and the European level is highly necessary and urgent.
  5. The five priority research areas will lead to a better understanding of soil and its interactions with other environmental compartments. Understanding the natural capacities and restrictions of this system is essential for the development and implementation of integrated resource management policies in the near future.

Linkzeichen Schwerpunkt Dissertationen der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Linkzeichen Dissertations of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna